Bullet Brass Casing Recycling

Bullet Brass Casing Recycling

Do you have used Bullet Brass casings and you’re not sure what to do with them? There are many uses for your used brass ammo casings such as reusing them or selling them. But one of the most beneficial uses for the brass is to recycle it. With brass being a...
Update on RecycleiT since we opened

Update on RecycleiT since we opened

It’s been 16 mo the since RecycleiT took over the old AAA Recycling location in Tavares. Lots has happened. Our business is way up. Great customer interaction and paying Orlando pricing has paid off. We appreciate both commercial customers and individuals. Both...
Clear Plastic See Through Cans

Clear Plastic See Through Cans

Sunoco Products Co. has developed a see through multi layer plastic can with easy open metal lids and bottoms. The can is called TruVue.  This will allow customers to see the product on the shelf. With healthier eating getting a larger and larger market share, this...
Recycled Steel

Recycled Steel

Steel is the most recycled material on Earth.  Amazing really,  as of 2012, 88% of it is recycled on average.  But it is very cyclical, since January of 2014, pricing has fallen about 60%.  Sure it bumps up and down a penny or two but over the term that far down.  In...
Back in Action

Back in Action

This recycling center was started in 1958 by Gene Smith.  He had no money.  It was a very hard business  back then.  Very few people understood it.  He bought this scale brand new from a local concrete guy who bought it and decided not to use it.  Paid 30.00 per month...
What to Expect on your Visit

What to Expect on your Visit

At RecycleiT, we strive to get you in and out as quickly as possible. At times we have heavy traffic, but we are always trying to get everyone taken care of in order of arrival. The area where you drive is all concrete, cleaned up all the time. A magnet is used...
Welcome to Recycleit

Welcome to Recycleit

Our family has been in the Recycling business since 1959.  We currently have a commercial paper and plastic business in Mount Dora.  In the last three and a half decades, we have done everything from crushing cars, steel yard, non ferrous, carpet, carpet pad, document...
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