This recycling center was started in 1958 by Gene Smith.  He had no money.  It was a very hard business  back then.  Very few people understood it.  He bought this scale brand new from a local concrete guy who bought it and decided not to use it.  Paid 30.00 per month till paid for. Dug the original pit by hand and laid the block and poured the floor.   The original wood deck came from the old Astor Swing Bridge over the Saint Johns River in Astor, FL.  It was built in the 20’s and was demoed in 1958 when the original draw bridge was built.  That deck that we took off the scale had wood that was over 100 years old.  The scale was completely rebuilt by Gene and AL in February of 2016 and back in service March 2, 2016.  Certified and ready to work.  Thanks for the help Chief!

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